Funeral Friday workshop EN


Once a month, we hold the workshop “Folding a shroud for a beautiful burial” in our showroom in Heiloo. The workshop is entirely without obligation and is intended to inspire and inform undertakers in the use of burial cloths.

We will give an introduction to shrouds, coffin skirts, cushions and accessories and how to use them. We will fold the cloths and exchange knowledge with each other and other funeral directors.

There will also be a small introduction to our other branch of sport, namely corporate clothing.

Afterwards, you will receive a free sample book with fabric swatches and information about the mourning cloths, knowledge about folding the cloths and, of course, a certificate. With this certificate you can show that you can fold a shroud in different ways.

The workshop lasts from 14:00 to 17:00. Choose a date and we will schedule you immediately.

If something comes up, please let us know.

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